突然就這樣想念起那段日子 (OS:其實想的是鹽酥雞... XD)
離題了,這首歌歌詞很美(網路有人說是「咬棉被族怨念昇華的意境」... )
Think of me
think of me fondly,
when we've said goodbye.
Remember me
once in a while -
please promise me
you'll try.
想想我, 深情地想著我, 當我們已互道再見.
記著我, 偶爾也好
- 請對我允諾 你會試著去做.
When you find
that, once
again, you long
to take your heart back
and be free -
if you
ever find
a moment,
spare a thought
for me
當你再次發覺, 你渴望將你的心收回 並無憂無慮地
- 如你曾找到片刻時間, 分出些思念給我.
We never said
our love
was evergreen,
or as unchanging
as the sea -
but if
you can still
stop and think
of me . . .
我們不曾說過我倆的愛情是永不凋謝的, 或像大海一般不變
- 但若你仍可以想起的話, 停下來想想我...
Think of all the things
we've shared and seen -
don't think about the things
which might have been . . .
- 不要去想那些或許曾有過的...
Think of me,
think of me waking,
silent and
Imagine me,
trying too hard
to put you
from my mind.
想想我, 想著我醒著時, 緘默不語且逆來順受的.
想像著我, 因為太努力試著忘記你而終不能將你自心中移去.
Recall those days
look back
on all those times,
think of the things
we'll never do -
there will
never be
a day, when
I won't think
of you . .
想起那些日子, 回頭看看那全部的時光, 想想那些我們永遠做不到的事
- 永遠不會有這一天, 當我不會想念你...
She may
not remember
me, but
I remember
她也許不記得我, 但我記得她...
We never said
our love
was evergreen,
or as unchanging
as the sea -
but please
promise me,
that sometimes
you will think
of me!
我們不曾說過我倆的愛情是永不凋謝的, 或像大海一般不變
- 但請對我允諾你有時會想我!